The CARE guideline for writing a case report or case series.
About this guideline
This guideline is relevant to case reports and case series,
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Reporting guidelines are best used early:
- Use a template to write quickly and avoid the blank page
- Use a checklist to double-check and reassure others that your work is described transparently
Approx. 1 min read
1. Title
The area of focus and “case report” should appear in the title
2. Keywords
Two to five key words that identify topics in this case report
3a. Introduction
What is unique and why is it important?
3b. Abstract
The patient’s main concerns and important clinical findings.
3c. Abstract
The main diagnoses, interventions, and outcomes.
3d. Conclusion
What are one or more “take-away” lessons?
4. Introduction
Briefly summarize why this case is unique with medical literature references.
Patient information
5a. Patient information
De-identified demographic and other patient information.
5b. Patient information
Main concerns and symptoms of the patient.
5c. Patient information
Medical, family, and psychosocial history including genetic information.
5d. Patient information
Relevant past interventions and their outcomes.
Clinical findings
6. Clinical findings
Relevant physical examination (PE) and other clinical findings.
7. Timeline
Relevant data from this episode of care organized as a timeline (figure or table).
Diagnostic assessment
8a. Diagnostic assessment
Diagnostic methods (PE, laboratory testing, imaging, surveys).
8b. Diagnostic assessment
Diagnostic challenges.
8c. Diagnostic assessment
Diagnostic reasoning including differential diagnosis
8d. Diagnostic assessment
Prognostic characteristics when applicable
Therapeutic Intervention
9a. Therapeutic Intervention
Types of intervention (pharmacologic, surgical, preventive).
9b. Therapeutic Intervention
Administration of intervention (dosage, strength, duration)
9c. Therapeutic Intervention
Changes in the interventions with explanations.
Follow up and outcomes
10a. Follow up and outcomes
Clinician and patient-assessed outcomes when appropriate
10b. Follow up and outcomes
Important follow-up diagnostic and other test results.
10c. Follow up and outcomes
Intervention adherence and tolerability (how was this assessed)?
10d. Follow up and outcomes
Adverse and unanticipated events.
11a. Discussion
Strengths and limitations in your approach to this case.
11b. Discussion
Discussion of the relevant medical literature.
11c. Discussion
The rationale for your conclusions.
11d. Discussion
The primary “take-away” lessons from this case report.
Patient perspective
12. Patient perspective
The patient can share their perspective on their case
Informed consent
13. Informed consent
The patient should give informed consent.